Report from China

This week, a world of 1.4 billion people has been opened to International Cities of Peaceโ€ฆ and the reverse is also true. With the formal agreement of a subsidiary organization within China, as well as Nanjing beginning to plan for the 2018 International Day of Peace, a new dawning has come for optimism and peace building. The thanks goes not only to our partners in China but also to the city of peace leaders around the world. Through our mutuality we are gaining in strength and doors opening to peace. Thanks to all ICP leaders, donors, and friends. More to come.

Photo Above: Executive Director of International Cities of Peace J. Fred Arment discussing with the Mayor of Nanjing an official celebration of Peace Day in the city and beyond.

Photo Below: Negotiating with Professor Liu Cheng, the only UNESCO Peace Chair in China, on the grounds of the Memorial Hall for the Nanjing Massacre museum.

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