Standing Women, 2018

“Sunday May 13, 2018 will mark our twelfth year of anchoring a vision for the whole human family. We are standing for a world in which every child is safe, honored and nurtured. Please stand with us again, confirming this vision in compassion for one another, 1 p.m. local time May 13, 2018.”


Please stand with us for five minutes of silence at 1 p.m. your local time on May 13, 2018, in your local park, school yard, gathering place, or any place you deem appropriate,ย to signify your agreement with the statement below.ย Please stand at a different hour with a different time zone if 1 p.m. is not your preferred time. We ask you to invite the men who you care about to join you.ย  We ask that you bring bells to ring at 1 p.m. to signify the beginning of the five minutes of silence and to ring again to signify the end of the period of silence.ย  During the silence, please think about what you individually and we collectively can do to attain this world.ย  If you need to sit rather than stand, please feel free to do so.ย  Afterwards, hopefully you and your loved ones can talk together about how we can bring about this world.



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