The Next 10 Years

In February, 2009, J. Frederick Arment, the Co-Chair of the Dayton International Peace Museum approached Steve Fryburg, then Director of the Museum with a project that needed a fiscal sponsor. That was the beginning of International Cities of Peace. From there, Cities of Peace, Incorporated, achieved nonprofit status with the State of Ohio in April, 2009, then a filing for 501(c)3 status was accomplished a year later.

Today, 10 years later, the organization has grown organically to over 230 Cities of Peace in 52 countries on all six continents. There are hundreds of leaders and volunteers working for peace in their communities.

Thanks to everyone for all their hard work. International Cities of Peace has changed the dynamics of the standard approach to nonprofit outreach. Our organization encourages “in situ” leadership rather than a to-down prescription for creating peace in a community. The result is committed leadership that knows best what is required in their city to foster a culture of peace. The recognition that peace must come from the people who live in a community has made all the difference. The programs and effects are extraordinary.

Great accomplishments, great opportunity for changing the world.

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